Protection of Personal Information Act Disclaimer

Funky Photo Booth has the responsibility to be accountable for our Data Subject’s (our web users and customers) security of information. This is what we do to ensure that we are compliant with the POPI Act.


We take full accountability to ensure any and all information shared through our website, or any other means - is securely stored with a 3rd party accounting system called SAGE One Accounting.

Processing Limitation

Our website has a cookie consent to allow or manage what cookies we store. View our cookie policy here >> We use the information you supply us through online contact forms or via other mediums such as phone calls or social media etc. ONLY to send you the required information you have requested - view our privacy policy here >> We clearly state at these forms that we will do ONE WhatsApp, phone or email follow up to ensure you received the correspondence. We may continue discussions should you allow so. If you decline, or ignore - we will no longer be in communication with you. We will not add your phone or email address to any marketing materials without your direct consent.

Purpose Specification

The ONLY reason for us to process your information is in order to quote, invoice and follow up with you. We WILL NOT sell your information on to any 3rd party. We WILL NOT save your information to any other database other than our trusted 3rd party accounting system mentioned above. We will not print out any personal information whatsoever. Personal information stored on our 3rd party accounting’s servers will automatically be deleted after 3 years of inactivity. The reason for this is to have the correct information for repeat customers.

Further Processing Limitation

If personal information is to be used again, it is solely because the data subject has requested new or updated information on the services we offer. This is for, but not limited to; repeat customers.

Information Quality

We are responsible for ensuring that the personal information we process is accurate and complete. As this is usually a case of a once off transaction and that the website user is the one who enters the data subject’s information means that it should be accurate and complete.


We will ONLY process our data subject’s personal information when supplied to us for information, or when requested to supply information again (repeat customers) and will not be processed again without the data subject requesting for this.

Security Safeguards

All our personal information is stored on our secure website for a period not exceeding 30 days; i.e. we delete all entries on the 1st of each Month. Once the information has been entered on our website by the data subject, we capture this for quoting and accounting purposes on SAGE One Accounting - their privacy policy can be viewed here >>

Data Subject Participation

As we will only process your data when you request to, we require you to contact us to update or delete your information. If no request is heard from you, your information entered on our website will be deleted within 30 days of you entering the data and 3 years on our SAGE One Accounting platform from the last day of activity.

Ready to Roll?

Get in touch with us. We’re wonderful to deal with and we respond incredibly quickly - there’s no time to delay.

Photo Designs

We custom design each layout for you personally. Every design is unique and designed in-house.
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